
Entity Definition

Logical Name : OperatorTenderHistory
Physical Name : LE_HST_OPR_TND

A collection of tender type accumulators by operator for a reporting period. This entity is used to support employee tender accountability.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
OperatorID (FK)(PK) A unique, automatically assigned number used to identify a workstation OPERATOR. ID_OPR Identity integer OperatorHistory(LE_HST_OPR)
OperatorTender (FK)(PK) A code which uniquely identifies the type of tender, ie cash, check, credit card, etc. TY_TND Code varchar(20) Tender(AS_TND)
ReportingPeriodID (FK)(PK) The unique system assigned identifier for a particular ReportingPeriod. ID_PRD_RP Identity integer OperatorHistory(LE_HST_OPR)
TotalTenderMediaCount The total number of tender media units counted by operator for each REPORTING PERIOD. QU_MD_TND_TOT QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
TotalTenderMediaOverCount The total tender overage recorded against an operator for each REPORTING PERIOD. QU_MD_TND_OVR_TOT QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
TotalTenderMediaShortCount The total monetary value of tender shortages recorded for that OPERATOR for each REPORTING PERIOD. QU_MD_TND_SHRT_TOT QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
TotalBeginningTenderMediaUnitCount The open balance of the number of tender media units for that OPERATOR for each REPORTING PERIOD. QU_MD_TND_BGN_TOT QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
TotalTenderLoanMediaUnitCount The total number of tender media units loaned by operator for each REPORTING PERIOD. QU_MD_TND_LN_TOT QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
LoanMediaTotalAmount The total monetary amount of tender media units loaned by operator for each REPORTING PERIOD. CP_MD_LON_TND_TOT Money decimal(16,5)
TotalTenderPickupMediaUnitCount The total number of tender media units picked up by operator for each REPORTING PERIOD. QU_MD_TND_PKP_TOT QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
PickupMediaTotalAmount The total monetary amount of tender media units picked up by operator for each REPORTING PERIOD. CP_MD_TND_PKP_TOT Money decimal(16,5)
DepositTotalAmount The total monetary value of tender media deposited in the EXTERNAL DEPOSITORY by OPERATOR for each REPORTING PERIOD. CP_DS_TND_TOT Money decimal(16,5)
TotalTenderDepositMediaUnitCount The total number of tender media units deposited in the EXTERNAL DEPOSITORY by OPERATOR for each REPORTING PERIOD. QU_MD_TND_DS_TOT QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
OverTotalAmount The total monetary value of tender overages recorded by OPERATOR for each REPORTING PERIOD. CP_TND_OVR_TOT Money decimal(16,5)
ShortTotalAmount The total monetary value of tender shortages recorded for that OPERATOR for each REPORTING PERIOD. CP_TND_SHRT_TOT Money decimal(16,5)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
Tender is tracked by OperatorTenderHistory
OperatorHistory may include OperatorTenderHistory

Logical Views containing OperatorTenderHistory

Logical View
Logical 03100 - Reporting - Store Operations - Macro View
Logical 03120 - Reporting - Store Operations - Period View
Logical 03150 - Reporting - Store Operations - Operator View
Logical 11160 - Worker - Reporting View